The Story

After 26 hours of labor, Kyle Christopher Harker was born on February 3rd, 2008 at 2:03 am via C-Section. He weighted 8 lbs 7 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. He spent his first 3 days in NICU with pneumonia and on antibiotics but he is now a very healthy, growing boy! He is certainly the light of my life and I can't tell you how incredibly lucky I feel to be so blessed with such a wonderful gift.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time for a big boy haircut

I finally was able to take Kyle in for his much-needed haircut
He sits up there SO good
I decided it was time to go SHORT

Kyle loves the spike look. He is looking in the mirror, watching Gale put gel in his hair and he thinks he is pretty dang cute!

Here he is! A big boy haircut!
This cut makes him look SO much older

Reading the morning paper

I just had to share this picture......he really thinks he is a big boy

Christmas Morning

There isn't anything cuter than an excited 'just-woke-up' face on Christmas Morning

It Snowed!!!

We finally got a day of snow at the end of December
Kyle looks a bit like the kid from a Christmas story but it was COOOOOLD!

Papa put Kyle on the sled

he loved it for a little bit but never sits still for very long

Mommy had to steal a kiss in the snow

Kyle LOVED the snow. Aunt Raquel had sent the perfect outfit to Kyle for Christmas so he was plenty warm

At the end of the snow play....... Kyle built a snowman

Fun with Andrew and Marin

Sometimes Kyle can be such a HAM!
and he has the cutest expressions

I think this was meant to be a DOGPILE on Aunt Keri

A few fun pics

When Eric was home we went up to WSU Vancouver Campus and had a fun little photo shoot
Eric does an amazing job at capturing the fun of the moment

The perfect kiss!!

Christmas wish list

Just like an other kid......Kyle is browsing the Toys 'R' Us Christmas catalog in search for the perfect gifts to ask for from Santa
and then writing out the list in hopes of getting those gifts

Uncle Eric

Uncle Eric came home for a visit......
it is SO cute to hear Kyle go around the house yelling Eric's name


Kyle was dressed as a cute lil dog. He had played with the costume in the days leading up to Halloween but was never quite sure whether he wanted to "wear" it.
He finally got the costume on and off we went to trick o' treat.

He definately scored but due to his milk allergy.....he was only able to enjoy the 2 dum dum suckers he got ;(

I'm not sure if he understood the purpose of all of this.....but he LOVED Halloween

Carving pumpkins

This is Kyle's girlfriend......Abby
We went up to our friends, the Maitlands to carve pumpkins

Aiden and Kyle carefully picked out the best of the crop
We took a break to play with all of the cool toys they have

Here is Kyle's pumpkin!

Kyle loved all of the pumpkins!

Kyle's friend Sydney

I help out a family friend on occasion and she has 3 dogs.......
Sydney is Kyle's favorite