The Story

After 26 hours of labor, Kyle Christopher Harker was born on February 3rd, 2008 at 2:03 am via C-Section. He weighted 8 lbs 7 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. He spent his first 3 days in NICU with pneumonia and on antibiotics but he is now a very healthy, growing boy! He is certainly the light of my life and I can't tell you how incredibly lucky I feel to be so blessed with such a wonderful gift.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our new diet of SOY!

Now that Kyle is so close to being one, I decided to explore the soy options due to his milk allergy. We went to Whole Foods (which must be the most expensive store in the universe) and bought a few things.
We bought soy yogurt, tapioca bread and rice cheese. Sounds yummy doesn't it!
Well, he liked the cheese, loved the yogurt but the bread is VERY dry. I added a bit of strawberry jam and he seemed to be able to choke it down. As for the soy milk, far from a hit! He shuttered and threw the cup!

SO... at Costco yesterday we bought the vanilla flavored soy milk. He liked it!

This milk allergy is going to be a huge pain in the behind! I am hoping he grows out of it but for at least the next 2 years....... Soy is going to have to be our friend.

Stay tuned to see what we come up with for our ONE YEAR birthday cake and ice cream substitute

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